Become a member

By joining our maillist you will become a member of ELSI2.0. The maillist is used as our main form of communication and will be used to keep you updated on the Network's activity.  Anyone on the maillist can send group emails, enabling you to communicate with a global network of people with an interest in ELSI genomics. Become a member here.



Ask a question

This website is designed to provide an overview of ELSI2.0 activity, as our window to the outside world. If you are not able to find the information you require, or have a more general query, please do not hesitate to get in touch.



Law and Technologies webinar series

Watch past webinar recordings from HeLEX (the Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies at Oxford).

Access the webinars here.


ELSI2.0 has received generous support from P3G and The Global Health Network. You can learn more about these organisations by clicking on the links below.

Image result for the global health network